• Welcome to Abernyte
  • A place of friendship and talent
  • A place of great beauty
  • and a place of antiquity
  • A place of ancient sites
  • A place of farms
  • ...old and new

This community website brings you information and news on Abernyte and area.

Set in the Carse of Gowrie in east central Scotland, this area is worth a visit if you have never been and you will be slow to leave once you do! 

Abernyte lies in the hills to the north of the Carse of Gowrie. The Carse is a fertile strip of land between Dundee and Perth and between the River Tay in the south and the Sidlaw hills to the north. Sheltered from the cold north winds, the incredibly rich farm land has shaped the communities both in the Carse and nearby. This distinct landscape stretches between Perth and Dundee. Upland heath succumbs to wooded valleys and waterfalls which eventually become pows (drainage ditches) flowing into the Tay. A diversity of hedgerows and treelines line the fields. The area’s redwoods were the first to be introduced into the UK by John and his father Patrick Matthew. Hidden away are ancient orchards with unique local varieties; fabulous for their burst of colour and in enticing bees and birds.

Browse our site to learn more about Abernyte. The Gallery has images of Abernyte and area from every angle, including the fascinating heritage photographs. The Digital Archive contains a collection of Abernyte's Valuation and Land Tax Rolls, the local Abernyte Church graveyard headstone inscriptions, interesting historical information on persons and places in the area and all are searchable by names, date or location. 

If you have any suggestions or questions regarding this site or Abernyte please contact the webmaster via the Contact page of the site. We will be delighted to hear from you. 

Abernyte Community Interest Company acts as a voice for its members and for the community, it is non profit making and it's primary objects are to promote Abernyte for the benefit of the community, facilitate opportunities for recreation and leisure, advance education, and to represent the interests of its members and the community of Abernyte.You can register as a member of the Community Interest Company here.

Register to join Abernyte CiC here

CiC Registration

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News@abernyte. If you have an item, event or notice that may be of general interest to the community in or around Abernyte,  just email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The editor reserves the right to edit/amend an item or decline an item if it is not of sufficient relevance/interest to the local community. 

Register to receive news@abernyte emails here

News at Abernyte

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Abernyte Heating Oil Collective is a not for profit community organisation working with the Abernyte Community Interest Company and who buy their heating oil as a group.If you would like to find out more click here, or just complete the form below and you will be contacted.

Enquire about the Abernyte Heating Oil Collective

AHOC Enquiry

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Abernyte Community Resilience Group (ACRG)


Abernyte Community Resilience 

Our aim is to foster community resilience in the face of climate change by proactively preparing for localised flooding, power cuts, high winds, and other emergencies.

Read more detail here.